How to Explain Your Abortion Decision to Friends and Family

Sharing the news of an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult enough, and sharing a decision like abortion can be even more challenging. Explain the news by thinking about timing and environment and staying open throughout the process.

Timing & Environment Matters

While no time is perfect for sharing your pregnancy decision, choosing a more convenient time for everyone can lighten the mood.

Try to plan a time to share news about your pregnancy decision when your family and friends are most relaxed and at ease. Choose a time when they are off work or on a weekend. Pick an environment where everyone is comfortable, either at your home or their home, in a private setting.

Consider Their Input

If you feel comfortable talking with close friends and family about your pregnancy decision, consider their thoughts about what’s next. They may have questions or concerns that you haven’t reflected on yourself.

Though the final decision is yours, taking the input of those you care about and who care about you is an important part of the process.

You Have the Final Say

According to the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, almost 74% of women who had an abortion felt at least subtly pressured into getting one.

Friends and family may put unexpected pressure on you with an unplanned pregnancy. Ultimately, you are the one who lives with the decision you make forever. Be sure it’s your final call.

A Safe & Non-Judgmental Space

Work through your unresolved questions and concerns about abortion or your other pregnancy options today.

Our safe and compassionate team at The Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford is here to help you gain the clarity you need to make an informed pregnancy decision.

Schedule a free and confidential pregnancy appointment to get all your pregnancy details and options.


*We do not refer for or perform abortions.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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